If you thought trying to remain technological savvy was a challenge, try working in a newspaper! Print media outlets and their journalists are continuously being pressured to keep up to date with the multi media trend and the new forms of journalism it brings rise to.
Technological advancement is impacting the media so quickly that it is not longer appropriate to label blogs, vblogs, moblogs and wikis ‘new media’, the more correct term it ‘now media’.
Print and broadcast journalism need to make some radical changes in order to compete with the fast paced internet, where breaking news can be uploaded onto a webpage in seconds (depending on how fast you can type!). Simon Waldman points out that traditional media needs “to build a news organisation of the future, not just a good web page”, and the greatest challenge hidden in this requirement is: how is this to be achieved?
The issues with trying to compete with ‘now media’ are plentiful and a whole new set of skills is required, this is not something that will happen over night, but with “online advertising revenues growing at 60 per cent” each year, it is something that needs to happen as soon as humanly possible!
Source: Waldman, Simon. 2006. ‘Future-proofing the newsroom’, in UK Press Gazette
Technological advancement is impacting the media so quickly that it is not longer appropriate to label blogs, vblogs, moblogs and wikis ‘new media’, the more correct term it ‘now media’.
Print and broadcast journalism need to make some radical changes in order to compete with the fast paced internet, where breaking news can be uploaded onto a webpage in seconds (depending on how fast you can type!). Simon Waldman points out that traditional media needs “to build a news organisation of the future, not just a good web page”, and the greatest challenge hidden in this requirement is: how is this to be achieved?
The issues with trying to compete with ‘now media’ are plentiful and a whole new set of skills is required, this is not something that will happen over night, but with “online advertising revenues growing at 60 per cent” each year, it is something that needs to happen as soon as humanly possible!
Source: Waldman, Simon. 2006. ‘Future-proofing the newsroom’, in UK Press Gazette